About the Women's Travel Club
Sharing tales of intelligent travel and exploration.
The Women’s Travel Club is a social club of women in the Boston area. We meet throughout the year to enjoy presentations by our members in locations around Boston. These vibrant lectures feature a variety of destinations for adventure, cultural, historical, and nature travel. From scaling the heights of Mt. McKinley, to trekking in the Himalayas, to recent odysseys across Antarctica, our members are adventurous and curious travelers.
Since 1967, the Club has funded travel scholarships on a biannual basis. Our donations make it possible for travel scholars to go into the world to accomplish goals that are critical for their careers, likely to be accomplished, and practical in scope. Recent scholars are studying ancient music in Central Asia, training midwives in Lesotho, and researching union practices in Chile. When our scholars return, they give us fascinating reports of their travels.
While we have always enjoyed traveling with one another informally, we now offer annual trips exclusive to our members. The camaraderie of traveling together deepens the friendships formed at our meetings. The Travel Committee chooses domestic and international destinations in alternating years.
We invite new women to join our club with the understanding that they will volunteer to help with club activities and will contribute a program within a few years. Many prospective
members come to one or more of our meetings as guests of other members. It’s always a pleasure for Women’s Travel Club members to meet other intrepid travelers.
Please enjoy visiting the public part of this site if you are not a member or if you want to apply for a Travel Scholarship. If you would like to know more, please contact us. For our members, please use your password to enter the protected parts of the site.

Lizard Island, Australia

Kashan, Iran


Annual Meeting May 2018, Concord, MA